Terms of Use and Data Management
Terms of Use and Data Management
- Under software, program, website we mean the actual version of eSzocMet at all times.
- Developer, operator: the team that created and maintains the software (their names and contact details can be found below).
- Privacy Statement and terms of use: this document, which the knowledge and acceptance of is mandatory for all users of the software.
eSzocMet is a free-to-use application that measures informal relationships in communities. Except for research and educational purposes, sociometric surveys can only be used for the development of a community and the conduction of the survey requires professional knowledge.
The software does not analyse the indices and indicators obtained, the interpretation of the results is the task of the test administrator. The disclosure of the answers or results to the test subjects may be psychologically harmful and the test administrator is therefore bound by confidentiality. Disclosure of the results (even in detail or without names) to the persons concerned is forbidden!
The software does not use cookies to track respondents and users, or for profiling, etc. It only stores a session ID in a cookie for user log-in and to remember the completion process, which can be deleted by clicking the Exit button in the footer.
The data manager of registered users in the software is the software developer. The data provided may be used for contact (email) and demographic purposes or for anonymous statistical analysis. The data provided will not be accessible to other users of the software.
The lists of names uploaded by users to their own profile are handled by the test administrator. As such, it is his/her responsibility to obtain the necessary (in some cases parental) consent, ethical permission, etc. for the handling of the data. The handling, forwarding and storage of the data uploaded and extracted during the running of the tests is the responsibility of the user. In this respect, the operator only acts as a data processor.
For more information on data protection, please read the GDPR documents.
Demographic data (type of school, age group) of the uploaded tests and reports (indicators and sociogram) of the successfully evaluated sociometric tests are automatically collected by the software and may be used by the developers for research purposes without the knowledge of the test administrator and the participants.
The data ingested into the software is stored redundantly on a geographically distributed cloud-like network, our systems are closed, we do not use open source parts.
Names and contact details of the developers:
Bence Basa, 20/438-8791, basabence gmail com
Tamás Hoffmann, 30/641-4254, hofical gmail com
Storage provider:
Magyar Hosting Kft., 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo u. 18-22.